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Mobility Scooters – Highway Rules

Whether you have just bought a mobility scooter for the first time or you are upgrading to a newer model, it is important that you know where and how you are legally allowed to drive it.

Although you may not think of your mobility scooter as an actual vehicle in the same way that a car or a motorbike is, in the eyes of the law, it is.

With that in mind, read on to discover everything you need to know about using your mobility scooter, including the latest rules and regulations in the Highway Code.

Mobility Scooters and the Highway Code

As mentioned briefly above, a mobility scooter is legally classed as a type of vehicle, even though it is not a motor vehicle – meaning it is subject to certain rules and regulations.

When it comes to the Highway Code, there are different rules for different types of mobility scooters. Mobility scooters, or powered wheelchairs, are classed as either “Class 1”, “Class 2” or “Class 3”, depending on how fast they can go.

Class 1 mobility scooters are manual wheelchairs, which means they are not electrically powered and are unsuitable for road use. Class 2 mobility scooters have a maximum speed of 4mph and are still not suitable for road use – only on pavements and pathways. Class 3 mobility scooters have a top speed of 4mph off the road and 8mph on the road.

As Class 3 mobility scooters are permitted for use on the road, these are subject to certain rules. They must be registered with the DVLA, and no one under the age of 14 can operate them.

Mobility Scooters on the Road

If you have a Class 3 mobility scooter and you intend to use it on the road, there are set rules that you need to abide by.

You are not permitted to drive a Class 3 mobility scooter on a motorway, in a bus lane, or in cycle-only lanes. It is also not recommended to drive them on a dual carriageway with a speed limit of over 50mph. Additionally, you must travel in the direction of the traffic and use your lights, indicators, and horn accordingly.

Mobility Scooters on the Pavement

If you have a Class 2 or Class 3 mobility scooter and intend to drive it on the pavement, there are also a few things you should know.

Next article Is your Mobility Scooter Ready for the Winter?