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Footwear Aids

Compression Stocking Aid
£48.99 with VAT reliefThis Compression Stocking Aid is designed to take the struggle out of putting on Compression Stockings. It is made of steel with a smooth plastic c...
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Easy Pull Sock Aid
£12.24 with VAT reliefFoot slides easily on the nylon lining while the sock remains secure. The flexible plastic core of the Easy-Pull Sock Aid allows people with the us...
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Luxury Stocking Aid
£18.82 with VAT reliefThis luxury stocking device is particularly usefull for putting on socks or stockings. Strong wire, tong style easy to grip, telescopic handles, an...
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Sock Assist
£23.82 with VAT reliefUnique features make this the most extraordinary sock aid on the market. The easy-to-use Sock-Assist lays flat on the floor, accommodates feet and ...
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Sock/Stocking Aid
£5.99 with VAT reliefThe unique shape of the flexible Sock Aid keeps socks on the aid until the sock is pulled all the way onto the foot. The pliable trough is easy to ...
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Tights Aids
£7.41 with VAT reliefA one-piece flexible aid for tights, with webbing handles attached. The plastic blade is shaped to hold the tights until they can be pulled up with...
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Elastic Shoelaces
£5.89 inc. VATTurn a lace-up shoe into a slip-on shoe. Ideal for people with limited back mobility, decreased hip flexion or limited hand dexterity. Lace and tie...
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£5.58 inc. VATEasy-to-use Coilers never need tying. Coilers may be tightened or loosened, but never need tying. They have no pressure points and allow natural mo...
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Big Grip Shoe Horn
£18.36 inc. VATThis shoehorn offers an extended reach and a secure, cushioned grip. The built-up handle is made of a latex free, rubber-like material and features...
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Plastic Shoehorn With Hook
£3.38 inc. VATHooked handle offers a comfortable hold for fingers and may be used to pull up socks or aid dressing. Measures 410mm (16.25").