Batt Boost Mobility Scooter Battery Booster
Product description
Increase the average additional travel range: by up to 10 miles (16Km)*
Make range anxiety a thing of the past with the Avon BattBoost – designed to extend the range of your electric mobility vehicle.
The AVON BattBoostTM has been designed to be used with mobility vehicles (mobilityscooters, powerchairs and electric wheelchairs) that are powered by a 24V lead-acid,AGM, gel or lithium battery system and have a standard round 3-pin charger socket.
The BattBoostTM has been designed to automatically provide additional
power to your mobility vehicle as and when required, significantly increase travel range and usage time, whilst at the same time maintaining optimised charge
of your mobility vehicle’s batteries.
Power Module Dimensions:
190(L) x 85(W) x 105(H)mm
Power Module Weight: 1.77Kg
Product Carry Weight: Less than 2Kg
Power Module Nominal Output Voltage: 24V
Power Module Lithium Capacity: 10000mAh (252Wh)
Average Additional Travel Range: 10 miles (16Km)*
Charger Input: AC 100-240V
Charger Output: DC 29.4V 2.0A
Charger Weight: 455g
Recommended Operating Temperature Range: 0-30C
Recommended Storage Temperature Range: 10-25C
The Batt Boost has been designed to be used with mobility vehicles
(mobility scooters, powerchairs and electric wheelchairs) that are
powered by a 24V lead-acid, AGM, GEL or LITHIUM battery system
and have a standard round 3-pin charger socket Your charger socket may be fitted at any angle.
Although this will include the vast majority of mobility vehicles, if you
are in any doubt, you should refer to your mobility vehicle’s manual, or call us
Can be carried on the scooter or powerchair in a range of options
see fitting instructions
it will essentially prioritise extra power boost, increased travel
range or optimised charging depending on the state of charge of your
mobility vehicle’s batteries and the extra demand that is placed upon your
mobility vehicle, e.g. inclines.
If the mobility vehicle’s batteries are well-charged, and/or relatively new,
your BattBoost will provide extra power boosting as and when required but
will also charge and maintain optimised charge of your mobility vehicle’s
If the mobility vehicle’s batteries are low in charge, and/or relatively old,
the BattBoost will give priority first to charging and maintaining optimised
charge of your mobility vehicle’s batteries, but also provide extra power
boosting as and when required, e.g. inclines.
NOTE: If your mobility vehicle’s batteries are very low in charge, it is
recommended that you switch on your BattBoost for 10-15 mins prior to
switching your mobility vehicle on to give your mobility vehicle’s batteries a
charge boost even before starting your journey.
If your mobility vehicle’s batteries are fully charged and little demand is being
placed upon the BattBoost, e.g. if your mobility vehicle is stationary and with
fully charged batteries, the BattBoost will go into standby mode but will wake
up automatically, whether as a result of the BattBoost being required for
normal use, or if the BattBoost is required to maintain optimised charge of
your mobility vehicle’s batteries.
(NB: If your mobility vehicle’s batteries are many years old, completely
exhausted and/or are not holding their charge, the overall performance of
your BattBoost will be less effective at increasing additional power, travel
range and usage time).
NB: To maintain optimum charge in your mobility vehicle’s
batteries, it is good practice to charge your mobility vehicle’s
batteries using their normal mains charger approx. once every
5-6 journeys or once a month, whichever is soonest
Included in box
Batt Boost Power Module,Batt Boost Charger, Batt Boost Mains Cable
Bat Boost Power Discharge Cable,Carry bag with Handle and Strap
The Batt Boost can be QUICKLY and EASILY fitted to mobility scooters, powerchairs and electric wheelchairs, whether it is a new vehicle, or one that is many years old.
The Batt Boost can be attached to a mobility vehicle of any size and with batteries of any size.
Although the vast majority of mobility vehicles contain lead-acid batteries, the Batt Boost is also suitable for those vehicles with Lithium batteries already fitted.