Over 30 years experience in parts and accessories for electric mobility scooters and wheelchairs.
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One Rehab Komfi Rider 6000 mobility scooter spares and accessories

We carry a huge stock of scooter parts, spares and accessories, including tyres, batteries, chargers, mirrors, bulbs, replacement keys and just about anything else you might need to replace on mobility scooter.
Scooter spares listed on our website are normally available to you by the next working day.
If you cannot find the part you are looking for, or need help finding or identifying the part you require, please visit our Part Identification Service page.
Temporarily Out of Stock
Mobility Scooter Igntion Key 7325
£12.50 with VAT reliefMobility Scooter Ignition Key 7325 Ignition Key for One Rehab Aerolite/KomfiRider/Alpha 8/Discovery /Omega & Parade Scooter This key also fit...
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Batt Boost Mobility Scooter Battery Booster
£399.00 with VAT reliefBatt Boost Mobility Scooter Battery Booster Increase the average additional travel range: by up to 10 miles (16Km)* Make range anxiety a thing o...
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Battery Balancer Equalizer
£40.00 with VAT reliefBalancer Equalizer Increase the life of batteries This battery equaliser is used when you when have two or more 12V batteries connected in serie...
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